Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't be a Sucker

I always wanted told myself that I would never be played like the girls or boys in movies. The one's who meet the popular, cute, and funny person and fall for what they have to say. But against all odds I still ended up. I thought he really liked me, but I was dumb. He has a girlfriend. This was so dumb of myself. I let him play me real good. Falling for all his little games. I just need to realize that he has a girlfriend. I know think that some of you may think that this about Calvin, but not this time. It's a different. This time I actually feel really dumb for doing this. I let myself get played like this. Maybe I just need to give up on this whole dating thing. I made he made feel, so good. I mean that even when he was with his girlfriend,i wanted to be with him. It was just an obsession I had and I couldn't stop. It was straight up crazy.  I always need up doing this and feeling dumb on the end. Maybe I just need to leave life to it self and need to step back I hate that I do this, but it is just something that I always do, either i fall for a guy that is with someone or someone that is meant to be a friend. I will have to do this. Just stop and take a break no more boys for a while.  This is my first time doing this. It's kind of weird but I will like it eventually.  People who read this please don't be played like I was. I'm not saying all guys are like this, so don't take it out of context.  Just make sure that you establish things before you start anything. Which means you know how he/she feels about you first.

 Please and thank you.

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