Saturday, November 12, 2011


Jealousy  is defined as by ( as a jealous resentment against a rival.  Jealousy is something that everybody deals with in life. Actually the people who say they have never been jealous are actually the most jealous.  Jealousy is not a thing people can control. It's just something that we all experience. Jealousy doesn't always mean that a boy jealous of the girl he likes boyfriend or the other way around.  Some people can be jealous because your pencil is sharper then hers. I know that you may think that it is stupid, but people actually get jealous of this.  Some people actually get jealous when you got on the same dress as them, but you rock it way better. I get that  people think out jealously and they think of something crazy, but it is actually very common among people.

God is actually  very jealous god. He doesn't like it when you put stuff above him. Like idolizing things like shoes, money, women, men etc. 

I have been jealous before. Well with Calvin actually. I was super jealous when he first got with his girlfriend. i use to try to find her faults, but every time i tried to find her faults i just liked her even more as a friend. then i just gave up cause they are so cute together, and I ain't no kind of home wrecker.  Your jealous won't control you unless you let it. That's why my jealously doesn't control me I control it.

There can also be jealousy about the stuff you have. You can have 2 parents in your house and someone else doesn't so they pick on you because you have something that they want. It may sound crazy, but it happens more times then none.   Somebody might also be jealous of what you have. They may see that you have a new pair of shoes, and they go buy them because they can't stand that fact that you have something over them .  This may also sound dumb but this happens a lot in the world. 

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