Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No difference

You know the saying, "When life gives you lemons make lemonade." Well this statement always stuck with me for some reason. Like even on bad situations change it into something memorable. 
I feel right now that I have on of those moments. Well I am over Calvin. I mean I did like him,but he care too much about what other people think. Today had shown me that, and I am glad it did. 
 (after finding out we won't be dating)
 So sense things didn't work out the way i planned  with Calvin. I will just stay his best friend. That is a situation I can  see that if life gives you lemons you an turn them into lemonade. I lost the feeling of liking him, but I still love him like a brother.  I guess in this situation we both win.

Life has been giving me things, and I have been taking them left and right. Now all i wanna do know is  get a big high five (like in the picture).  Remembering that I can't be anyone else, but myself really helped me in life. No boy will ever change me or put in the image of him. I don't care who they are.  
My lemonade includes my friends boy and girl. My guy friends are my rock and they tell  me the truth no matter what. My girl friends they are my other piece of the rock. They are straight forward with me. They tell the truth no matter what, but tell me like we are sisters.  I count on all my friends through the good and the bad. Ex's, deaths, tears, laughs, and all the stuff in between.  You can never have to many friends, but you can only have so many true friends. Thankfully I have some of them in my life. 

Well Peace and Love

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