Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tragic Landing

Everyone has falling from great heights. Still the worst kind of fall isn't even from the a mountain. It is when you like someone and you hear a lot of stuff about them. Then it feels like you fell off a mountain and you can't save yourself from dying. This is my emotion for a while right now. It is a feeling like you can't let them out of your mind no matter how hard that you try. When you want to hate them they treat you good enough for you to like them. Yet when you start to treat them right they treat you like shitt!!!!! I know I sound like another girl who might have gotten dumped or maybe a hater on boys for the moment, but it is not true.  I actually like this one. I mean he has everything I like in a guy, but his actions is the only thing I hate about him. He likes to talk to a lot of girls even when he had a girlfriend he still talked to a lot of girls even me. I'm not going to say that I didn't like it cause I did.  But when they broke up I thought he was going to be different. i really don't know why I though that. This is like super crazy. They do have there moments where i really do see myself with them and my friends do see that too, but  they end up fucking it up so i just don't know right now. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Too Much Fun

Well I wanna tell you all Happy Thanksgiving.

Anyway well this time it's a different situation for me. Instead of me complaining about my problems I am going to have some fun. I got a plan. 

This plan is about a boy, but it can be done with girls too. 

here it is:
Well there is this boy. I used to have a major crush on him and he liked me, but died off. We are friends now, but he isn't acting much like a friend. So now I am going to screw with him. I know you all may think I am being mean, but this something that I always wanted to do to him because he never felt what he has put me through, so know i am going to get him back and he better be ready. 

Part 1: is going to be that my friend is going to tell him that I still like him and that i think about him a lot.
Part 2: my ex is in his class, so i she is going to make sure that he is there to here it
Part 3: i am going to play it off as though i really do like him and that I actually do want him
Part 4: after a while of playing with him I am going to just stop and ignore him and see how he reacts
(my ex will be part on this because i wanna see if he will get jealous @ all)

Just so you all now one will get hurt in this prank, well except him and my ex. 
Maybe at thee end of this I will be happy or at most i will get a few laughs out of this. 

Wish me luck 
Love  and peace

Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't be a Sucker

I always wanted told myself that I would never be played like the girls or boys in movies. The one's who meet the popular, cute, and funny person and fall for what they have to say. But against all odds I still ended up. I thought he really liked me, but I was dumb. He has a girlfriend. This was so dumb of myself. I let him play me real good. Falling for all his little games. I just need to realize that he has a girlfriend. I know think that some of you may think that this about Calvin, but not this time. It's a different. This time I actually feel really dumb for doing this. I let myself get played like this. Maybe I just need to give up on this whole dating thing. I made he made feel, so good. I mean that even when he was with his girlfriend,i wanted to be with him. It was just an obsession I had and I couldn't stop. It was straight up crazy.  I always need up doing this and feeling dumb on the end. Maybe I just need to leave life to it self and need to step back I hate that I do this, but it is just something that I always do, either i fall for a guy that is with someone or someone that is meant to be a friend. I will have to do this. Just stop and take a break no more boys for a while.  This is my first time doing this. It's kind of weird but I will like it eventually.  People who read this please don't be played like I was. I'm not saying all guys are like this, so don't take it out of context.  Just make sure that you establish things before you start anything. Which means you know how he/she feels about you first.

 Please and thank you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Jealousy  is defined as by ( as a jealous resentment against a rival.  Jealousy is something that everybody deals with in life. Actually the people who say they have never been jealous are actually the most jealous.  Jealousy is not a thing people can control. It's just something that we all experience. Jealousy doesn't always mean that a boy jealous of the girl he likes boyfriend or the other way around.  Some people can be jealous because your pencil is sharper then hers. I know that you may think that it is stupid, but people actually get jealous of this.  Some people actually get jealous when you got on the same dress as them, but you rock it way better. I get that  people think out jealously and they think of something crazy, but it is actually very common among people.

God is actually  very jealous god. He doesn't like it when you put stuff above him. Like idolizing things like shoes, money, women, men etc. 

I have been jealous before. Well with Calvin actually. I was super jealous when he first got with his girlfriend. i use to try to find her faults, but every time i tried to find her faults i just liked her even more as a friend. then i just gave up cause they are so cute together, and I ain't no kind of home wrecker.  Your jealous won't control you unless you let it. That's why my jealously doesn't control me I control it.

There can also be jealousy about the stuff you have. You can have 2 parents in your house and someone else doesn't so they pick on you because you have something that they want. It may sound crazy, but it happens more times then none.   Somebody might also be jealous of what you have. They may see that you have a new pair of shoes, and they go buy them because they can't stand that fact that you have something over them .  This may also sound dumb but this happens a lot in the world. 

Monday, November 7, 2011


I physically love valentine's day. It's like the best holiday ever. The reason I love is it is because it's the day we can all just have someone we care about care about us. I'm the ultimate head over heels, loving, holding hands, kiss you, act like a little girl, girlfriend. I don't know what it is I just love having a boyfriend. That boyfriend I had was a month ago. We didn't last because he was moved away. I kinda miss him, but he is dead and gone. LOL!!!

This is what i picture when i picture valentine's day:

I know that this might be corny, but I really think that Valentine's day is more than just chocolate and flowers and presents and dinner. I think it's one time that is easiest for you to tell the person you like how you feel about them.

Most people hate valentine's day and why I just don't understand. They blame it on all the stuff that come with the holiday other than the fact that it is more too it then that. Valentine's day is about showing love, no matter about if it's to a stranger or to your significant other.

Yall must think I'm stupid for talking about valentine's day in November, but I was talking about it today in school and it was tuck in my head.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

11 pm

When people picture a Saturday night at 11pm they picture this:

or this: 

 but I'm doing this:

I like to party and go out but no on Saturday that is my day to relax and look at laugh at stuff like this: 

And I love reading stuff like this:

You all may think I have no life but I do this so i won't mess up and have to say stuff like this: 

I'm just saying I can do better LOL!
goodbye until tomorrow followers and if you don't please do!!! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No difference

You know the saying, "When life gives you lemons make lemonade." Well this statement always stuck with me for some reason. Like even on bad situations change it into something memorable. 
I feel right now that I have on of those moments. Well I am over Calvin. I mean I did like him,but he care too much about what other people think. Today had shown me that, and I am glad it did. 
 (after finding out we won't be dating)
 So sense things didn't work out the way i planned  with Calvin. I will just stay his best friend. That is a situation I can  see that if life gives you lemons you an turn them into lemonade. I lost the feeling of liking him, but I still love him like a brother.  I guess in this situation we both win.

Life has been giving me things, and I have been taking them left and right. Now all i wanna do know is  get a big high five (like in the picture).  Remembering that I can't be anyone else, but myself really helped me in life. No boy will ever change me or put in the image of him. I don't care who they are.  
My lemonade includes my friends boy and girl. My guy friends are my rock and they tell  me the truth no matter what. My girl friends they are my other piece of the rock. They are straight forward with me. They tell the truth no matter what, but tell me like we are sisters.  I count on all my friends through the good and the bad. Ex's, deaths, tears, laughs, and all the stuff in between.  You can never have to many friends, but you can only have so many true friends. Thankfully I have some of them in my life. 

Well Peace and Love

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Paper Cuts": ...

"Paper Cuts":
It's really a whole bunch of pictures check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

: ...


I was so proud of myself today. Well Instead of me worrying about Calvin I acted like he wasn't even there. At first I got nervous when I first saw him, but after the first ignoring him I did good.  I told some of my friends about the situation and they were kind of shocked like me because he is my best friend and everything.  I told them I could never be a home wrecker. They understood that too. today was a good day for stopping getting involved with Calvin. He is my best friend since elementary. He will always be, but i kinda of like him in a way. For now though he is just my friend. Plus he still has a girlfriend. Basically i guess I moved from a liking to actually just a little crush. We'll see what happens.

Well Peace and Love

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Real World

Did you ever think about what would you change if you could? Well I do that almost everyday. Sometimes i would like to change things so, that I could get everything.  I get the guy, the job, the family and everything. Then i realize that I wouldn't really like it. I mean it would be nice, but in the end it wouldn't be any fun. Think about it. You decide what guy/girl want, and you get him.  There is no chance, no flirting, nothing. It's not fun, it's just fixed like a game.
   The real world might suck, but it's the best world. Never knowing what's going to happen, or who you are going to end up with. One day the world will end, but until that day i will live life like it's my last. (I know I kinda stole that not on purpose)  Tears, laughs and cries are all what life really is about and how it is. Never would i ask for anything else. Maybe just a little bit more cuter boys, but other than that I'm good. Lol! And less drama, but without drama what would we have to talk about in the news, entertainment and life. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Look at it

   Remember when you were little and your parents said, "I just want you to think about what you did?" Well this is a thing I have to do now. I was put in a situation where there is only one way out of it.  My friend Calvin and I have a good friendship. A matter of fact we are best friends. The problem is I like him. The messed up thing is that he has a girlfriend. I have met her and she is a very lovely girl.  I mean it is hard for me to hate her. I guess basically i need to move to freak on, or I will be bitter forever.
  The biggest thing is that we act like a couple. When he is with her it's like they are insuperable, but when we are with each other people say that we are a cute couple. I guess I am just stuck with a dilemma. He is everything I like in a boy, but I could never steal him away. For some odd reason I just can't do it.  I believe you reap what you sow. Basically for people who don't understand that it's what people call karma. 
     Sometimes when we are together he acts like he doesn't have a girlfriend. And it drives me crazy because it makes me want him more, but it also makes me want to rat him out to his girlfriend. I believe in a committed relationship. My theory is that if he acts like that with her, how will he act with me?  

       Tell me people of the world what i should do. Leave a comment please :) :*